It's Chemical Peel Season!

Fall marks the start of the Peel Season

The fall and winter are good times to consider treatments that can help improve your skin complexion and skin texture. Since the next summer is now months away your skin will have all the time it needs to recover. Fall and Winter are the best time since the UV exposure is limited and therefore complications are rare while your skin has time to regenerate and rejuvenate.

Whether you choose a superficial, medium, or deep treatment, a chemical peel can address skin concerns ranging from pigment changes and mild sun damage to more extensive wrinkles and lesions.

Our Chemical Peels are designed for different skin types and can address the problems and concerns you have on your skin.

How to care for your skin after a Chemical Peel.

  • Moisturize and hydrate.

  • Apply sunscreen with SPF30 or more.

  • Avoid strenuous workouts, dry saunas, and steam rooms.

  • Don't over-exfoliate.

    For more information on our peels contact us or

    call us at 212-288-3000

Dr. Ramtin Kassir

About the author:

Dr. Kassir is a triple-Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon with nearly 30 years of experience. As a renowned surgeon and member of the society of facial plastic surgeons, he has been featured in numerous media and news outlets. He pioneered the non-surgical rhinoplasty and has performed thousands of surgeries on patients from all over the world.


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