Botox and Filler Risks featuring Dr. Ramtin Kassir on CBS This Morning

Dr. Kassir who is the pioneer of the Non Surgical Rhinoplasty (who performed his first NSR in 2006) talks to his former patient about her Botox and filler experience at her private nurse practitioner’s office. The filler that was injected into her nose hit a blood vessel.

”I’m looking in the mirror...and I think I am turning purple!”

Dr. Ramtin Kassir treated the patient after her filler complication.

"Injecting in the face could be dangerous because if you get into any of these blood vessels, it can end up in the eye, it can end up in the forehead, it can end up in the nose," Kassir said.

While even the most experienced doctor can hit a blood vessel, Kassir said it's critical to have filler-dissolving medicine at arm's reach.

"We preload it into these syringes," he said. "So I don't even have to stop and draw it out."

Dr. Kassir gives us the Top Ten Facts about Non Surgical Rhinoplasty

  1. Filler is injected into the nose to camouflage a bump, lift the tip, make the nose narrower and make it look more aesthetic.

  2. Make sure the filler is NOT a permanent filler like silicone!

  3. Dr. Kassir pioneered this procedure in 2006 and has done thousands since then. Regardless of who you go to, your physician should be an expert in nonsurgical Rhinoplasty AND Surgical Rhinoplasty!!! There are no shortcuts to quality.

  4. Noses look smaller and better even though filler is being added to the nose.

  5. Results last up to a year or more.

  6. The filler can be dissolved easily.

  7. Doing a Non Surgical Rhinoplasty does not preclude you from doing a surgical Rhinoplasty.

  8. It takes 5-10 minutes and is reversible.

  9. Most patients either do the filler again or proceed to surgical Rhinoplasty.

  10. There are complications (potentially serious like injection necrosis and blindness) - choose your physician carefully!

No substitute for experience.

Dr. Ramtin Kassir

About the author:

Dr. Kassir is a triple-Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon with nearly 30 years of experience. As a renowned surgeon and member of the society of facial plastic surgeons, he has been featured in numerous media and news outlets. He pioneered the non-surgical rhinoplasty and has performed thousands of surgeries on patients from all over the world.


Are you a candidate for Rhinoplasty?


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